Mattu University

Yuunivarsiitii Mattuu

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Mattu University

Beeksiisa/ማስታወቂያ/1st Round Original Diploma Issuance for Mattu University Graduates
 Uploaded By: Baessa Kajela Ejeta
 Posted On: Dec 22, 2024


Original Diploma Issuance for University of Mattu Graduates

Dear Graduates,

We are pleased to announce that, as part of the first phase of the Original Diploma issuance, diplomas for students who have previously graduated from various programs have been processed. You can check your name by clicking on the link below. Once confirmed, please personally visit the Bureau of Alumni Affairs at No. 28 to collect your diploma.  For graduates whose names are not included in the current list, please be informed that the Office of Mian Registrar is finalizing the processing of Original Diploma registration requests for the second phase.

To ensure your diploma is processed, please visit the Office of the Main Registrar in person within five working days from the date of this notice and complete the required documents.

Barattoota Yuuniivarsiitii  Mattuu irraa kanaan dura eebbifamtanif

Yuunivarsiitiin Mattuu, barattoota kanaan dura  sagantaalee adda addaatiin eebbifamaniif  Ragaan Orjinaalaa(Original Diploma) marsaan jalqabaa hojjetamee waan dhufeef, eebbifamtoonni digiriin orjinaalaa isinif hojjetamee dhufee maqaa keessan link armaan gadii tuquun   reejistiraara kutaa dhimmoota Almunaayii lakk. 28 qaamaan dhiyaachuun fudhachuu kan dandeessan ta’uu isin beeksiisna.

ለቀድሞው ምሩቃን በሙሉ

በመጀመሪያ ዙር ኦሪጅናል ዲፕሎማ የመጣላችሁ ምሩቃን ከታች ያለውን ሊንክ በመጫን ስማችሁን በማየት በአካል ወይም በውክልና በዋናው ሬጅስትራር አልሙናይ ጉዳዮች ቢሮ ቁ.28 በአካል በመቅረብ መውሰድ የምትችሉ መሆኑን እናሳውቃለን፡፡ 

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