About the Department
The department of psychiatry was established in 2014 as a unit under the college of health sciences. Since then, the department is actively participating in teaching learning activities, engaging in different mental health researches and providing preventive and curative mental health community services. For the last Six years, 201 psychiatry professionals (134 male and 67 female) were graduated and currently, about 115 (65 male and 50 female) regular BSc in psychiatry students are actively on education. The department has four assistant professors (two on duty and two on study), ten lecturers and one Assistant lecturer. In addition to undergraduate degree program, the MSc program in Integrated Clinical and Community Mental Health (ICCMH) has been launched in 2022/23 and will start enrolling with a national direction

Mr. Aman Dule
HoD's Message
No Message
In line with the vision of the University, the department aspires to be the best and notable psychiatry department in Ethiopia by the year 2030 through provision of quality mental health training, research and community service
In line with the mission of Mattu University, the department is designed to produce competent mental health professionals through evidence-based practice, problem-based research, and mental health prevention and promotion to the community at high-quality level.
Staffs List
Sl.No | Name | Designation | Experience |