Mattu University

Yuunivarsiitii Mattuu

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Mattu University

Department of Construction Technology and Management Department Banner

About the Department

Construction Technology and Management is an important application of science, which plays a major role in the social and economic development of modern society. In order to perform this role effectively, construction engineers require a broad understanding of scientific principles, knowledge of materials, applied knowledge of civil engineering and the capacity to analyze and synthesize in order to arrive at solutions. This requires research, team working, and leadership and business skills. Furthermore, it has to be situated in a social, economic and environmental context that reflects the reality within which the construction engineer and manager finds him/herself.         In Ethiopia, Construction Technology and Management has a great role to play in supporting economic development and contribute towards the improvement of the living standard of the people. This role and contribution input is at different geospatial scales, from the Federal to the local, in both an urban and a rural context. As a country that is moving into a rapid phase of growth, the contribution that construction technology and management can make, to ensure that this growth is sustainable; is a particularly important one. It is therefore of vital importance that construction technologists and managers are prepared, professionally, to meet this growth challenge and contribute to sustainable development. Generally, Construction Technology and Management professional’s competencies can be summarized as follows:

A.    Construction Technology 

  • Practical and scientific knowledge of construction, process, methods, techniques,  materials and equipment
  • The ability to communicate through writing, and graphical and technical drawing

B.    Construction Engineering 

  • Basic understanding of the Architectural and Engineering design methods and processes

C.    Construction Management 

  • Proper planning and organization of the works,
  • Effective use of resources,
  • Completion of works within estimated budget and specified time,
  • In-time delivery and utilization of materials,
  • Ensuring necessary quality of the work,
  • Proper usage of equipment and latest methods of construction and technology,
  • Evolving a reputation for high quality of workmanship,
  • Controlling over the contract agreed upon and specification,
  • Motivating people to work to their best and creating an organization that works as a team,
  • Taking sound decisions at the lowest practical management level through delegation  of authorities,
  • Proper communication and reporting of the works executed,
  • Provisions of safe and satisfactory working conditions for all workers,
  • Monitoring of the works to be executed against planning,
  • Proper sequence of flow of construction, and
  • Proper coordination of the resources to create an organization that works as  wholesome to fulfil the objectives.

D.    Other skills 

     ➢ General engineering and science 

     ➢ Social science and humanities etc.

NIL Established Year
25 Faculty & Staff
573 Students
NIL Publications
NIL Funded Projects
519 Graduated Students

Mr. Geremu Assefa Tucho


HoD's Message

First of all let me begin by extending a warm welcome to the Mattu University Department of Construction Technology and Management, which formally opened its doors in 2006 E.C.         In global context Construction Technology and Management discipline is evolved to become a distinct profession relatively recently and as study program the only one its kind in Ethiopia at BSc. level started in September 2002 G.C at Addis Ababa University as CoTM department.

Since its opening time at Mattu University, the department has been strengthening itself by hiring the necessary number of academic staffs and providing laboratory facilities so that students can gain practical, theoretical, and hands-on experience in construction industry management and offer skilled labor to the sector. And also six Consecutive batches were graduated by the department in which more than 500 students were earn their degree.  This is the outcome of several factors, including effective departmental communication, the presence of a committed and experienced faculty, a existence of equipped computer lab, a drawing lab with all the tools needed, good behavior on the part of staff and students, accommodations for diversity, academic freedom, appropriate information delivery, and impartiality among staff members. In the future, it was planned to open 2nd degree program after recruiting staff with PhD academic rank or Assistant Professor in Construction Technology and Management or Construction Management. 

However, the department faces some obstacles and issues that prevent it from reaching its full potential. One of the major challenges the department is facing include the absence of fully facilitated construction material and soil laboratory and absence of Workshop lab for practical education, research work and serving the local community in various ways. This challenge is not only for our particular department but also it is challenging for other related departments like Civil Engineering, Water Resource and Irrigation Engineering and Surveying departments. 

Standing in front of these challenges our strong basis stands on working hard with strong commitment to build our strength, seizing our opportunity with honesty, minimizing the weakness and counter act the threats with strong future hope. Problems and challenges can be used as a catalyst for growth if they are viewed as opportunities and addressed by the concerned bodies at every level of management with a broad and open mind, unless they turn into demotivating factors and lead to failure.  

Calling all concerned parties and eager to become involved, let’s work together to take advantage of this opportunity to drive innovation and shape the direction of construction technology and management in the future. By working together, we can make quality, sustainability, and teamwork our top priorities and build a better tomorrow, today. Come along on this thrilling adventure with us and help bring about the change!


Being an outstanding engineering department in the university through its competitive manpower contribution to the construction industry, undertaking construction infrastructure related problem solving research and community services. 


Offer a quality education that renders problem solving and research capabilities to its graduates by using the state of the art methodology, and provide consultancy service to local industries and the society at large 

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