Mattu University

Yuunivarsiitii Mattuu

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Mattu University

A Thank You Ceremony to the University's former Leaders News Image
 Posted On: Feb 26, 2024


A Thank You Ceremony to the University's former Leaders

Feb.24/2024 (PERD)

The contributions of Dr. Endegena Abbebe, the former President, Dr. Tekalign Kejela, the former V/P for Administrative and Students' Affairs, and Assist. Prof. Adanech Asfaw, the former V/P for Business & Development, at Mattu University are acknowledged officially during the university's  10 round 2nd phase graduation ceremony. Some of their main collaborative achievements in academic, research and community service during their leadership were listed and acknowledged. Being resilient to many challenges like COVID-19, political instability of the country, market inflation etc, their collective efforts and contributions have been instrumental in moving the university forward and improving the learning environment for students and faculty. The gifts and thank you certificates they received are a testament to their hard work and dedication to the university's success.

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